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NewseintragExploitangriff12.03.2007 22:21 von Ogre:
I mean popularest news
NewseintragExploitangriff12.03.2007 21:54 von Ogre:
100 Kommentare! This is popularest new though, right? Wow! Tyron you really can make elephant from mouse! boogie
NewseintragExploitangriff12.03.2007 15:19 von Ogre:
lol xD

All things i said is crap xD Ghost Bear rocks and he not damaging teh community ;)
NewseintragExploitangriff12.03.2007 15:19 von Ogre:
from Ghost Bear:

Well now I see who are germans are in a fact... And Tyron i never expected you ask like such idiot... Not i'm dangerous to community - you danger! Saying what i used exploits is shit and not me damaging: you do it: you lying about what i did this, what i did that... Maybe you will say i hacked huh? You lamer saying what i used exploits? o-O I not used it! -.-

Think of it... Not users:
@JuliusClonkus: stfu, you do not know real problem =\
@Sven2: I do not know what you saying but i not got your password because i not brited it. And now hash is useless
>Muhaha ich bewerte alle CCAN-Einträge von GhostBear mit -3 XD

Hm... I helped you with your Medic Clonk and shared you with some scripts... Acting so is kind? Okay...

NewseintragExploitangriff12.03.2007 15:06 von Ogre:
lol, all this is bullshit! xD Ghost Bear is cool!
NewseintragExploitangriff12.03.2007 15:02 von Ogre:
I mean this:
Tyron, please, tell me - how i could change my pass, so Ghost Bear will never get that?
NewseintragExploitangriff12.03.2007 14:57 von Ogre:
<I gotta news today: my doctor said i'm okay...>... Now i can tell my opinion to y'all:

Head one: How could you do that? Ghost Bear, i thinkd you are cool man, but you are evil, you are destroying our community... we ain't no friends no more.

Head two: Mwoahhahahaaaaa loooolish bobbler strikes back! How could ya think, wattafuck waz that? Huh? Yeah! Hell yeah! Cool, cool and cool. C&C is cool. Clonk is not bad. And me is Ogre.